My Destiny




Prologue : This world we live in, and is reading this story.:





         It’s unfair. Why is this happening to me. I just want to be me, but why is my parent keep pushing me? Can’t they just accept what I am. Because of them I have no friend. All right I have one. His name is David. He is the only one who understands me. He is the only one that has sympathy with me. Because of my parent I am forced to sit in my house all day. In other words I have no social life. I’m jealous of all the people playing outside with their friends, laughing. I wish I could be like that.


         I am sitting on my bed crying. This is really unfair. Oh where are my manners. I’m Eugene. I’m one of those people who nobody notices. And I’m not even a geek. My only talent is art. I’m very good at it. But my parents….. they don’t approve it. All they want from me is to study, study, and study. They want me to become a doctor. I’m only 14 and they already planned all my future. Why can’t I make my own decision? But now I’ll make my own decision.


         I’ll kill myself


         If I kill myself, all my problem will be gone. All of them. Besides who is going to care? I’ll be surprised if my so called parents pay for my funeral. Here I am holding a knife over my wrist. It will be painful, but I’m not afraid. Why am I hesitating? It’s not that I am needed in this world. I’m totally useless. With one swift movement, I cut my wrist. I panicked when I saw my blood, but I wasn’t afraid. My vision was fading. Then I heard a familiar noise.


“Oh shit. What the hell?”


         English. That was English. My parent doesn’t speak English at home. It can’t be David since no friend of mine can come home. Then I saw the person who said it. I could varily see the face but I recognize who that was. It was me. That was my face. I was looking at myself. Then my vision was gone.


I slowly woke up. It was only a dream. There is no way I could have seen myself. I looked at my wrist that I cut. Surely there wasn’t any mark that I had cut. Okay it was a dream. Than where are all these bloods come from?


“That was very foolish thing to do.”


I turned at the noise. There in the shadow was me. He dressed weird, but that was me. Okay he has more muscle and more handsomely defined than me, but I know when I see myself.


“Who are you?”  I asked.


“I’m you.” He spoke with my voice.


“And I’m supposed to believe that?”


“I’m your alternate self if that helps you.”


I have heard that there are parallel universe. Is that what he meant? I decided to keep quiet and believe him since that is the only explanation. I guess I watched too much Science Fiction. I lifted my wrist and looked where I cut it. But there was no mark.


“Oh, don’t worry about it. I healed it. It wasn’t that bad so with a little bit of ki and some herbs it is good as new.”




“Yeah you know the life force.”


That’s it. I am dreaming. This guy said that he is from another dimension and now he is proclaiming that he can manipulate the ki? Are those even possible?


“Anyway why did you do that?” My other self spoke.


“Do what?”


“Cut your wrist.”


“So I can die.”




“Look you don’t understand. I am living in hell here. Just get out.”


“Actually I do understand.”


         I looked over at him and saw his face. He really meant it.


“Than why didn’t you kill yourself?”


“I didn’t have to. I thought about that once, but what good is that. So I decided to find the other way.”


“What would that be?”




He hold out a little bracelet that had wield writhing on it. It was in gold and silver with few rubies and diamonds. It was very beautiful. He continued.


“This allows me to travel different dimensions. The way it travels is very confusing. I been doing this for a time but I still can’t figure it out.”


“What good would that do to me?”


“Hmph here.”


He threw something at me and I caught it. It was same bracelet. I looked and saw that he still has the same bracelet.




“Hey my world is not the only one that has that you know.” He winked at me. “ if you want to use it go right it ahead. But before you do think of what will happen to you, because no body knows when you will come back.”


“Like I would want to live here. Better than dying.” Then I putted it on. Instantly it was absorbed to my skin.”


“Funny I never saw the bracelet absorb into the body.”


I saw bright light and instantly I was absorbed by it. I closed my eyes and yelped at surprise. The movement stopped and I slowly opened my eyes. I was in different world.

I was somehow happy that it worked. I was also different. I was shorter and wearing very heavy shoulder pad. I instantly collapsed at the weight.


         “Hey you okay?”


         Then all the memories that does not belong to me started to enter my head. It was painful. Gohan. My name is Gohan. Why does that name sounds familiar. I searched for the memories and found myself able to get up. I was one of the martial artiest. Cool! I looked at the speaker and found.. Goku? Wait that’s my father. That means I’m in… oh my god I’m part of Dragon Ball Z. I am a comic character. Cool ! This martial art can help me a lot!


         “Yes father.” I said to my father.


         “Well it’s your turn to fight. I have faith in you.” He smiled


         I turned and looked at my opponent. He was green and alien looking. I remember him both from the comic book and from this new memory. His name is Cell. Oh shit.





Comments?, Notes? Death warrants?  


--------author’s note------------------


Well this is the beginning. Like it? This story will be a little bit wield. But I hope you like it. The main character is me. Or just my name. He is Korean like me and he and his family moved to United States just like me. Only difference is that Eugene of this story has a very strict family. And wait for the first section, because it can be any place in any animation.