My Destiny


Chapter 2 : Ranma



            “Ranma Soatome I will avenge you.” Ryoga said as he walked toward gate of Tendo dojo at midnight. He found it in 2 weeks. That was something. He silently walked toward the opened window. It was raining but he had umbrella on, and he was careful not to touch the water. Somehow he was scared to it.


            He found his sworn enemy sleeping. It was perfect. He took a deep breath and said quietly. “Ranma get up. It’s me Ryoga. Let’s fight.” Ranma just mumbled and turned around. Ryoga got mad and punched at the head, but at the last moment he turned around and he punched the futon. Ryoga punched again and this time it was blocked and he was thrown toward the other side of the room.


            ‘No I am not letting Ranma beat me in his sleep.’ “God damn it! Get up already!” Ryoga yelled as loud as he can to Ranma. Fortunately Ranma got up, but unfortunately Panda also got up [Be Quiet] the sign said as the panda booted them outside.


            Ranma was now up as cold rain water touched her. “Huh Wha?” then she was Ryoga “Yo Ryoga what are you doing here. At this time?”


            “Shut up Ranma because of you I have seen hell.!” And he attacked


            “This again. Look it is not my fault that you were slow and couldn’t get the bread !” Ranma dodged them.


(Scene dealing with Akane and Ryoga.)


(Ranma, Ryoga and Akane becomes best friend.)



--R--   --A--   --N--   --M--   --A—



            “Hey Ranma. What are you doing?” Akane asked as she saw Ranma in lotus position meditating.


            “It’s called instant transportation. I can think of the person who I want to transport to and concentrate and boom and you will be there.” Ranma said as he disappeared. Then he reappeared in front of Akane. “See.”


            “Nice trick. If you can transport, then why don’t you go visit your friend Ukyo.” Akane said.


            Ranma’s face was lit up. “You are right thanks Akane.” He kissed Akane and disappeared. Akane was stunned. Ranma kissed her. She slowly moved her hand to her lip where he had kissed. That was her first kiss.


            Ranma reappeared and first thing he saw was very naked beautiful girl taking a shower. ‘Oh shit, I forgot that Ukyo was a girl.’


            “Eeeeeeeek Pervert!” Ukyo screamed as she threw whatever she can grab


            ‘Why is this always happening to me’


            “No wait. I’m just looking for my Ucchan! Wait I’m sorry Ahhhhh!” Ranma tried to calm her down but was hit by a giant spatula and was out of action.


            Ukyo pulled out her spatula from his head. She was satisfied by her work. Wait a minute did he just said Ucchan? Only person to know that name is that his father and Ranma? Is this Ranma? Ukyo started to get mad. How dare he. He abandoned her 10 years ago and now he comes back? Wait he did say that he was looking for his Ucchan. HIS Ucchan. Maybe he didn’t leave her. A hope of started to rise from her.


            “Aw. What hit me?” Ranma said as he got up. And he had a terrible headache from earlier banging.

            “You all right?” Someone said. He turned and saw a young boy with boys school uniform and a giant spatula on his back. “Ukyo?”

            “Yeah that’s me, and who might you be?” he asked

            “Ucchan! It me Ranma! My god it has been ten years hasn’t it.” Ranma said as he hugged his best friend. “Who was that girl that hit me anyway? Your sister? Your girl friend?” Ranma asked teasingly.

            “Wh… What! That was me you dolt!” Ukyo said as he hit him with giant spatula.

            “What? But you are a guy!”

            “What do you mean I’m a guy. I’m a girl! And for leaving me behind, you will die!” Ukyo got mad and started to swing her spatula, but missed them all as Ranma dodged them skillfully.

            “Hey wait! What this all about. I thought you would be happy to see your old buddy again!” Ranma said as he dodged her attack. And that stopped Ukyo.

            “You don’t know? You really don’t know?” she asked

            “Don’t know what?”

            “I’m your fiancée!”



            Few minutes later after Ukyo explaining her life, and what happened, Ranma was furious. He was mad. “I’m sorry Ucchan. I didn’t know. He said that it was a gift. And I believed him.”

            “That still doesn’t explain that you left me. Because of you I lost my feminity!”

Ukyo yelled. Ranma looked at her closely.

            “I don’t know. I mean you are very cute girl. Heh Who would have thought that old Ucchan would grow up to be so cute!” Ranma commented.

            Ukyo was blushing “Cute.. I’m not cute.”

            “Sure you are.” More blush

            “Uh.. Ahem. If you don’t mind Why don’t you tell me about what happened to you for last 10 years Ranchan.” Ukyo said still blushing.

            Ranma smiled. He got his old friend back. He knew that his comment on her would work. And he wasn’t kidding. She was cute. “Tell you what. I’ll come over after school today. And we can go to my place and we can both beat up my pop for what he did to you.” He said with smile.

            “Ack! I’m late for school. I guess you have to go. Where do you live anyway?”

            “Nerima.” He said as he disappeared.

            Ukyo was surprised when Ranma suddenly disappeared. But she was happy. Her Ranchan was back. And he said she was cute!


            Ranma reappeared in Tendo dojo, right next to Akane. And she was half naked as she was changing her cloth.


            *Oh shit*